I started a project I’m calling WordJunk. On of the inspirations is Merlin Mann’s Wisdom Project. Listening to Reconcilable Differences, I was inspired by the sheer joy Merlin has been getting with this project. The nuggets of wisdom are really fun to read and most bring a smile ot my face.
With WordJunk, I wondered what I can do with this information? A lot? A little? In any case, the wisdom nuggets are something interesting to read while I’m debugging or reading developer documentation.
Read Only Property Wrappers in Swift
Property Wrappers are one of my favorite additions to Swift 5.1. If you haven’t read about them before, check out the proposal and this NSHipster article. They are very similar to Kotlin’s delegated properties, but the syntax is similar to Java’s annotations.
It may not be readily apparent, but one really nice feature of Property Wrappers is you can create “read only” property wrappers. These are properties that you can read from, but not write.
Automating Xcode Builds & Distribution
Here is the talk I gave for PhillyCocoa on Automating Xcode Builds & Distribution.
links WWDC 2012 Session 404 - Building from the Command Line with Xcode Xcode Build Setting Reference Xcode “Build and Archive” from the command line - Stack Overflow Distributing Enterprise Apps for iOS Devices xcodebuild-rb - Building Xcode projects with Rake Shenzhen - CLI for Building & Distributing iOS Apps Cupertino - CLI for the Apple Dev Center Xcodeproj - Create and modify Xcode projects from Ruby Jenkins - An extendable open source continuous integration server Jenkins Xcode Plugin HockeyApp TestFlight cisimple
Surviving Mobile Constraints - PTW Presentation
This is a lightning talk I gave for the Mobile Lightning event at Philly Tech Week 2012.
You can also download the presentation: Keynote, PDF with notes
My UIViewController Container PhillyCocoa Presentation
Last Thursday I did a presentation on UIViewController Containers for PhillyCocoa.
The example Card Stack Controller project I wrote can be found on github. Feel free to leave a comment if you have any questions, corrections, or other thoughts.
update: If you’re having trouble running it on Xcode 4.2, please get the latest from the repository. I fixed a bug that caused a crash when built with Xcode 4.
Writing a “String to Number” Function in C
Years ago I was in a job interview where the employer took me to a whiteboard and asked me to implement atoi()
in C. They also asked me to talk about any issues with my implementation. While there is hardly any reason to implement atoi()
yourself nowadays, sometimes it’s good practice to try it anyway.
Cheap & Easy Buttons for iOS Developers
The UIButton controls in iOS are very basic. Just a white rounded rectangle with a gray border and a label. They’re made to look similar to a single grouped UITableView cell. Because of this, it’s easy to end up with a boring iOS app without creating your own images for button. So what’s a developer to do?